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Peer Reviewed Publications from the

TxARM Social Science Research Program

Zimmerman, C. A., Carter-Sowell, A. R., & Ganesan, A. Confrontation as an interpersonal response to ostracism (in press). European Journal of Social Psychology. 

Ganesan, A. & Carter-Sowell, A. R. (2021). Buffering anti-fat attitudes using contact: The roles of contact quantity, duration, favorability, and intergroup anxiety. Body Image. (in press).

Carter-Sowell, A. R., †Ganesan, A., †Williams, M., & †Zimmerman, C. A. (2021) Diversity and ostracism in the workplace: An overview of experiences from different racial groups, international employees, foreign-born and immigrant workers. In C. Liu & J. Ma (Eds.). Workplace ostracism: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Springer International Publishing. 

He, Y., Zimmerman, C. A., Carter-Sowell, A. R., & Payne, S. C. (2020). It’s the Reoccurring Thoughts that Matter: Rumination over Workplace Ostracism. Occupational Health Science, 4(4), 519-540.

Gruber, J., Mendle, J., Lindquist, K. A., Schmader, T., Clark, L. A., Bliss-Moreau, E., Akinola, M., Atlas, L., Barch, D. M., Barrett, L. F., Borelli, J. L., Brannon, T. N., Bunge, S. A., Campos, B., Cantlon, J., Carter, R., Carter-Sowell, A. R.,... & Williams, L. A. (2020). The future of women in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Campbell, M. E., Keith, V. M., Gonlin, V., & Carter-Sowell, A. R. (2020). Is a picture worth a thousand words? An experiment comparing observer-based skin tone measures. Race and Social Problems, 12(3), 266-278. 02009294-0

Carter-Sowell, A. R., Vaid, J., Stanley, C. A., Petitt, B., & Yennello, S. (2019). Bloom where you are planted: Reflections on effecting campus climate change to retain minoritized faculty scholars in STEM fields In Growing Diverse STEM Communities: Methodology, Impact, and Evidence (pp. 197-214). American Chemical Society.

Presentations from the TxARM Social Science Research Program

Johnson, E., Ganesan, A. & Carter-Sowell, A. R. (2021, April). Influence of ostracism on support seeking and social pain sensitivity. Poster accepted at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

Crist, J., Carter-Sowell, A. R., & Ganesan, A.(2021, April). Intersectional identities cultural engagement programs at predominantly White institutions. Paper accepted at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

Ganesan, A., Zimmerman, C. A., & Carter-Sowell, A. R. (2021, Mar). Confrontation as an interpersonal response to ostracism. Poster presented at AGEP National Research Conference, Boston, MA.

Carter-Sowell, A. R., Ganesan, A., Miller, G., Wang, R., Williams, M., & Zimmerman, C. A. (2021, Feb). Diversity and inclusion by design: Culturally informed, systematic methods for increasing alliances in the academy. Poster presented at The 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting The Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Ganesan, A. & Carter-Sowell, A. R. (2021, Feb). Benevolent and paternalistic sizeism: Race- and weight-based evaluations of privilege and hardship. Poster presented at the Group Processes and Intergroup Relations preconference at the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Robinson, T., Ganesan, A. & Carter-Sowell, A. R., & Miller, G. H. (2021, Feb). From social cliques to workplace consequences: Exploring the authenticity of visibility at work on professional identity and coworker interactions. Paper presented at the Shared Reality and Authenticity preconference at the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

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